All Feasibility and Planning Studies

Alford Group
Service Area: National
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We approach assessments as an opportunity to move your organization forward. Our assessments result in actionable recommendations to enhance your business practices, raise more funds, inform your funding strategy, or start a new program. We offer many types of assessment and analytics on fundraising operations, organization, development, philanthropic market, impact, governance and constituent perception.
Our campaign counsel services are tailored to your organization’s specific circumstances and based on campaign best practices, four decades of campaign expertise and the creativity to bring new approaches and cutting-edge thinking to our work together.
Through our executive coaching programs, we support directors and other high-level staff in navigating the pressure and challenges they face as a nonprofit leader who often wears many hats.
Our development assessment and planning services will provide you with an objective and thorough analysis of your current resource development operations and future fundraising potential. As a result, you’ll position your organization for long-term success with clear recommendations — based on evidence and analysis — designed to increase your philanthropic capacity, efficiency and results.
Our thorough analysis of key campaign success factors — gift potential, leadership, strength of the case, organizational image, internal readiness, and climate and timing — combined with Alford Analytics, stakeholder interviews and other data gathered will provide your organization with action-oriented recommendations tailored to your specific circumstances.
Alford Group offers qualified interim staff who step into leadership roles, guiding your team with expertise and insight. This strategic leadership ensures continuity and progress during periods of transition.
We offer a comprehensive approach to strategic and organizational planning. Our team collaborates with yours to articulate a compelling vision and mission, identify growth opportunities, and outline strategies and action steps for future success. Every solution is tailored to your unique needs and aspirations.
Our teams create custom training for nonprofit board and staff in any area related to philanthropy, governance, assessment or planning. We offer board and staff retreats in addition to on-site training sessions.

Contact Information (click to view)
Contact: LuCinda Vacura
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Contact: Megan DePaul
Covenant Philanthropic Solutions
Service Area: Primarily Southern California, but experience with and ability to serve clients in many US regions.
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Campaign Management - The Covenant team is prepared to help you and your team start your campaign strong and finish well, running alongside you to the finish line. Our campaign management services, which deploy expert campaign managers from our staff to support your campaign, are scalable and flexible and are designed to deliver the experience and expertise required to succeed with your extraordinary campaign initiative. Campaign Counsel - Our experienced and expert campaign consultants are capable of coming alongside your organizational and campaign leadership to provide the high-level guidance, advice, training, and support your campaign requires. We provide this service in a high-touch, personal, and tailored manner.
If you need high-level, expert guidance and advice on philanthropic matters, Covenant’s team of experts can be available on retainer or for specific projects as they arise. When those big questions arise, Covenant is the firm to call.
Development Audits and Assessments - Striving to reach the full philanthropic potential of an organization is a never-ending endeavor. That being said, organizations can make significant strides in the advancement of their fundraising enterprise through development audits and assessments. Whether your organization needs to build its first-ever multi-year development plan or fine-tune some specific aspect of your fundraising (i.e. - data, board engagement, staffing, major gifts, planned giving, etc.), Covenant can partner with you to elevate philanthropy.
Pre-Campaign Planning - Successful campaigns are built on proper planning and preparation. Whether your organization has conducted many campaigns or this is your organization’s first campaign effort, pre-campaign planning and preparation are vital. Covenant’s support, whether through a comprehensive feasibility and planning study or advisory guidance, can help assure your success.
Interim Development Staffing Solutions - When key members depart from your development team, there is often a need to fill that vacancy immediately so the fundraising enterprise continues to perform at a high level. When this occurs, Covenant has the capacity, expertise, and experience to deploy a member of our professional staff to fulfill key roles until you’ve hired a permanent replacement. Covenant can provide these interim development staffing solutions on a full-time equivalent or at some level less than full-time if appropriate.
Endowment Planning – Covenant will help you evaluate readiness and capacity for an Endowment Campaign, put the necessary pieces into place, and help to prepare a plan to launch and conduct a successful endowment campaign that provides annually-renewable unrestricted funding for your mission for years to come. Endowment Building – Once you’re ready to embark on an endowment campaign, Covenant offers a specialized service to help nonprofit organizations build a multimillion dollar endowed fund over the course of two years. This service includes comprehensive, full time, onsite support from a member of the Covenant team to meet the two-year endowment fundraising goal.
Philanthropic Advisory Services - If you need high-level, expert guidance and advice on philanthropic matters, Covenant’s team of experts can be available on retainer or for specific projects as they arise. When those big questions arise, Covenant is the firm to call.
Major Gifts Strategy - Major donors are vital to most successful fundraising enterprises. If you need assistance with the build-out of a major gifts program or need help fine-tuning an existing program in the area of identification, acquisition, solicitations, stewardship, or retention, Covenant can help. Planned Giving Strategy - It’s the top of the giving pyramid. Planned gift donors have the potential to bring in unparalleled revenue and create a sustainable future for your mission. Few organizations have developed their own planning giving program and still others could benefit from taking some concrete steps toward growing revenue from wills and estates and other planned gifts. Let Covenant help you build your planned giving program from scratch or help you identify the resources and next steps to elevate your capacity in the gift planning realm.
Board, Volunteer, and Staff Training - Covenant’s team of experts prepares and delivers effective customized training sessions for your staff, volunteers, or board members. Whether it’s training on ethics, fundraising, collaboration, nonprofit management, capital campaigns, donor engagement, storytelling, or any number of other areas in fundraising, we’ll equip those working hardest for your mission to succeed.

Contact Information (click to view)
Contact: Kyle Houlton
Phone: 657-235-5005
Lindsay Simonds Consulting - San Francisco, CA
Service Area: National and International
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The capital campaigns we direct increase cashflow 2-10x what the organizations are raising annually. (We never rob Peter to pay Paul. Even during intense capital campaigns, operational funds rise under our management in tandem.)
We are relationship-minded at the center of our work. We emphasize tools like High-Value Questions to tune into donor motivations which leads to improved donor experiences, increased giving, and strong pledge fulfillment rates.
The feasibility studies we conduct reach a wider audience and produce more sophisticated results than other firms on the market. We use AI to ensure we navigate bold endeavors with qualitative and quantitative resources.
When we are tasked with serving as interim leadership, we bring new levels of rigor and cadence to development shops across the country.
The consultants at LSC play an integral role in evaluating development offices, designing strategic growth plans, and managing extraordinary fundraising endeavors. We work with the new hires and the old guard, alike.
Our board training “brings life and ease to the volunteer responsibilities” with nuances and subtle adjustments in the approach (so we’ve been told!).

Contact Information (click to view)
Contact: Lindsay Simonds